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Cornelius Believes

Acts 10:1-48

The book of Acts begins with a statement by Jesus that the disciples would be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and unto the ends of the earth. Acts then traces this movement from Jerusalem and Judea to Samaria and now with the story of Cornelius we have the church moving to those outside of the Jews. The bible calls those people Gentiles.

Cornelius was a devout man praying and giving generously to the poor. Jn 1:9, I Jn 1:7 He lived out the light which he had received. But there was still much much more to experience. Nicodemus was also a wonderful honest, religious person but Jesus told him that he had to be born again.

When Cornelius was praying one day an angel appeared to him and told him to send for Peter and Peter would bring him a message "through which he and all his household would be saved." (11:14) He obeyed immediately. Cornelius recognized that Peter would speak the things God commanded him to speak.

Meanwhile, God sent a vision to Peter. In this vision Peter was commanded to kill and eat animals which the Old Testament laws said were not clean. This happened three times. The repetition of this vision is a sign that there can be no mistake that this was not a vision from God. The vision of Peter should be taken symbolically or theologically. There were certain dietary laws given in the Old Testament which were to protect the health of the Jews and give them a sense of purity and holiness. Peter's vision was not God's removal of all these laws but God teaching Peter that which the Jews considered unclean and unholy should not be if God said otherwise. Peter was a strong Jew and Jews had little or no relationship with non-Jews. Non-Jews were despised and shunned. Except perhaps for trade purposes Jews had no relationships with non-Jews. Even within Judaism, the Pharisees had as little relation with other groups as possible to try to keep holy and clean.

The meaning of this vision was not immediately understood by Peter. As he was pondering this vision the messangers from Cornelius arrived. It was then that the meaning of the vision began to make sense. Peter explains his understanding of the vision in v. 28.

Christianity exploded the narrowness of Judahism. Christianity breaks down all prejudice. It is interesting to note that both Simon the Tanner and Cornelius were "unclean" according to Jewish practice and Peter was violating Jewish traditions. Perhaps God will call on us to break traditions which are not pleasing to Him.

The Holy Spirit spoke to Peter that he was to go with them to visit Cornelius. Even though Peter still did not understand the reason he was obedient. Are we willing to obey as Peter? God has commanded many things in the Bible. Do we obey these even if we do not fully understand them?

God works in lives beyond what we can see. It is truely exciting for us to be able to meet new people and know that God is at work in them. Christianity is not a man made philosophy. Christians can see God at work in the lives of people even before they ever meet. God has worked in each of your lives before we met you. The fact that we have come from various places and are together worshipping God is truely a wonderful miracle. Knowing God is at work in the lives of people in response to our prayers keeps us at peace and gives us hope.

Peter took in his gentile guests for the night and the next morning they started out on the journey to Cesarea. Cesarea and Joppa were about 50 kilometer apart - a day's journey by foot. They started out early and arrived about the time for the afternoon prayers. They took a prayer break at about 3 pm. Perhaps we should take a few more prayer breaks instead of just coffee breaks. Perhaps we would be more relaxed and healthier physically and spiritually.

Arriving at Cornelius' home Peter found a royal reception and a great crowd of people. Cornelius expected that Peter would return. The angel had told Cornelius to send for him and Peter had obeyed God. What if Peter had not been obedient? That is not even an event to be considered. Obedience was understood as the norm and disobedience to God was unthinkable. When God commanded something it was obeyed.

When Cornelius fell at Peter's feet in reverence (v.25) Peter recognizes Cornelius as an equal and bids him "Stand up." God is the only one worthy of our devotion and reverence. We are not to reverence man nor the spirit of those who have died. We must worship God alone. Although Jesus came as a man when people fell at his feet he received the worship because he was God.

Peter is still unsure of the reason for this mission. He asks Cornelius for a clarification of what he wants. Cornelius states that he acted in obedience to the messanger of God and called Peter to come. He knows that Peter has some kind of message from God. Cornelius says that they are in the presence of God and ready to listen to God's message. Cornelius recognized that Peter would speak the things God commanded him to speak.

This morning we are in God's presence. We have asked for God to be present with us and guide us. What God is saying through his word this morning should speak to our hearts. Our lives should be changed as a result of worshipping God together this morning. Sometimes we come to church out of habit and do not come with an expectant attitude to receive anything from God. Whenever we have an opportunity to listen to God we need to take time and expect God to teach us through his messangers.

Peter began his message but even before he finished God was working in a mighty way. What was God's message through Peter?

First of all God accepts all men from every nation who fear him and do what is right. There are two conditions to being accepted by God. First is that we need to fear him. We need to understand what a wonderful, almighty God he is.We must worship him and only him. God does not accept substitute worship. Next God has given guidelines for what is right in the Bible. We need to follow those if we want to be accepted by God. We need to do what is right and the standard for righteousness in not found in social ideals or social norms but in the standards which God has revealed to us in the Bible.

Next Peter told his audience that Jesus Christ is Lord. It is in Jesus that we have peace with God and with our fellow man. Jesus brings peace to all men. He had the power over evil spirits which cause turmoil, sickness and pain. Jesus had the power over sickness and healed many. Not only were they physically restored as we learned last week in the stories of Aeneas and Docus but people were spiritually healed.

Not only is Jesus Lord - He is Lord over all. Christianity is not a western religion. It is a world movement. There are more Christians around the world than there are in western countries. Jesus is not just Lord over all people but he is also Lord over all creation.

Jesus Christ is Lord of Japan. Philippians 2:9-11 says, "God has exhalted him (Jesus) to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father." Some day every man woman and child will bow before Jesus and worship him. Every Japanese will bow before him not the emperor.

Where is God? Peter declared that God was with Jesus. God is not with the demonic forces of evil found in shrines and temples all over this country. God is found in Jesus Christ.

This Jesus who died and was raised from the dead will some day be the judge of all people. After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to his disciples and commanded them "to preach to the people and testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead." (v. 42)

Jesus Christ will some day be your judge. How are you treating him? Have you obeyed him? Are you doing what he has commanded? Have you asked him to cleanse and heal you? Every one who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name and has been cleansed.

As Peter declared these words those in the room agreed with him and were forgiven. The Holy Spirit came upon them filled them. The work of the Holy Spirit is to cleanse and give spiritual gifts. These people experienced this immediately. They experience the wonderful joy of having their worries, sins and burdens removed. They were filled with thankfulness and began to praise God in their native tongues.

For the Hebrew Christians who were with Peter this was truely an astonishing sight. God was truely at work in the hearts of Gentiles - those previously considered unclean. Men who formerly would not associate with a Gentile or visit him now saw that God was working miracles in and through these people.

Peter's reaction was that these people should be baptized. It was not enough just to be forgiven and experience the working of the Holy Spirit in their lives but they should be baptized with water. After the baptism ceremony they asked Peter to stay several more days to be taught more about Jesus and the Christian life.

The Christian life is one of growth. Once we have believed and are baptized we need to grow by a study of God's word. We also grow by telling others and encouraging others. Another way Christians grow is though reflecting about God and worshipping Him together.

This morning there may be some of you who are like Cornelius. You have done many good things and pray to God. That is wonderful but there are many more wonderful things God wants to do for you. God wants you to become a part of his family and make Jesus Lord of you life. He would want you to be baptized and experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit. If you are missing some of these blessings in your life. Right now let us pray together for God to transform you and guide you.

If you have prayed and asked God to become you Saviour and Lord this morning please share it with us. We would like to share that new joy with you. We want to encourage your spiritual growth and help you know God in a much more intimate way. If there are those who would like to be baptized and enter into the family of God tell us anytime and we will be glad to baptize you.

WHC 2/9/89

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