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The Power of God

Ephesians 1:19 - 23

Most people like power. It is a great feeling when you step on the gas peddle and feel the thrust of the engine kicking in as you accelerate from 0 to 50 in 3 seconds flat. Or the power when a jet plane takes off from the runway. The engines rev and the pilot announces that everyone is to fasten their seat belts for take off. You feel pushed back against the seats as the plane speeds up to 250 miles per hour so that the plane begins to climb almost straight up into the air. Or what about the bomb blasts that destroy cities in a couple seconds destroying everything that took millions of dollars and hundreds of years to build.

That is power but it is destructive power. We plug in our appliances into the wall and think nothing of it. Where did that power come from? Most of our energy comes from water falling hundreds of feet turning huge turbines which produce our electricity. When we experience a lighting storm, we see the flash of lighting followed by the crash of the thunder. If that lighting hits a tree, it can splinter the huge trunk and turn it into tooth picks in seconds. That is awesome power.

Some people like power and control. I believe that is why some people are seeking political office. It makes them feel important and controlling. I would like to encourage you to exercise your power and vote in the federal election. Some people may be wondering if it makes a difference if you vote or not. Why are there dictators and despots in the world who misuse their power? Good people do not vote and get rid of them. I am not one to be involved in politics but as we have seen in the elections in the United States, when the count is close, every vote is important.

I would encourage you to vote for the leaders who righteous because we want to see righteous people in leadership. The best the Liberals and NDP can do is to mock religious beliefs. They ridicule people for refusing to work on Sunday. They mock a belief in creation. They fear that they will bring strong Biblical views into leadership of the country. They do not fear when leaders believe in atheism, abortion and destruction to our society, but people who fear that Christian values of love and good living will be brought into our society are trying to stir up fear so that people will not vote for godliness.

Paul is talking about the power God wants to give to every believer if we but trust in Him. In Verse 19 Paul talks about the power he has experience to help others. He is talking about divine dynamic eternal energy, available to us!(WW p 35) God knows we need power because Matthew 26:14 Jesus said the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak. God wants us to take up the battle for the evangelization of the world. He wants to empower individuals who will go forth in his name and spread the good news that Jesus forgives, heals, cleanses, changes the lives of people. If you want to experience real power just get involved with the battle with the spiritual enemy! We have a spiritual warfare in which God will defeat all powers. Do you want to be on the winning team?

When the writers of the Bible speak of the love and forgiveness, they talk about Christ's death but when they want to illustrate the power of God they bring up the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the resurrection of Jesus. Paul brings up the illustration of God raising Jesus from the dead and seating Him on the throne with him in heaven as proof of God's mighty power. No man, can raise people from the dead. The resurrection from the dead is what sets Christianity apart from every man made religion. Only the God of the Bible has all power but he will give men the responsibility to use that power in situations which will bring people to believing faith in Jesus Christ.

The energy shortage today is not in oil or gasoline but in Christians not appropriating the power God wants to give us by us and only living an average live which will not demonstrate God's power through us. Pray that God will show you how great He is. Jesus told his disciples that we will do greater works than he did. Have you read about the miracles which Christ did? Jesus says that we who believe can do even greater miracles than he did. Few of us have experience his great power and seen the miracles which God is able to perform. Why do we not experience more of God's great power?

1. We lack the faith that we need to have to realize that God wants to empower ordinary Christians in an extra ordinary way.

To me even more than physical healings like cancer, paralysis, or warts, or the emotional healings like anger, bitterness, or resentment are the spiritual healings when the lives of people are totally transformed by the power of Christ. Just this past week, I received a letter in the mail illustrating this concept. (IBLP Oct 2000, # 10)

One of the most feared men in Romania was Benjamin Jainu. He was a ruthless, heartless assassin who served in the secret police of the Communist regime of Ceausescu (koo-se - sku) After Communism was brought down by godly men standing up to the ruthless communist dictators, Benjamin joined organized crime and continued his killing. He was eventually put behind bars and recently his story was on the front pages of Romanian Newspapers.

In November, 1999, a group of Romanian officials came to the United States to find out how they could teach character to their police force. In the delegation was a member of Parliament and local pastor, Peter Dugulescu and Mihai Eftimescu, the head of Romania's prison system. While in the US, Mihai became a Christian. When they returned to Romania, Peter received a letter from Benjamin Jainu asking to meet with him. Normally, this would not be allowed but Mihai intervened and arranged for the visit.

When Peter approached the heavily guarded cell, Benjamin looked at him and said, "You do not know me but I know you! Three times I was sent to kill you, but each time I could not do it.!"

Peter listened with amazement as Benjamin gave him details of the plans to assassinate him. One was a near fatal wreck that put Peter in intensive care in a hospital. Benjamin then slipped into the hospital and cut the life support system, but Peter lived. Benjamin then confessed, " I am tormented at night with the faces of all the people I have killed." After that first encounter, Peter continued to meet with Benjamin on a regular basis. He carefully explained the teachings of Scripture on home Benjamin could experience freedom from his guilt and depression and receive eternal life in exchange for all his sin. After several months, Benjamin was ready to become a believer. He cried out to God for mercy and received the forgiveness of sins through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The transformation in the life of Benjamin has been spectacular. He asked to be baptized and has continued to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ through the Scriptures. A national newspaper ran a full, two-page article on how their most notorious criminal has been totally changed, and the director of prisons, Mihai, a new Christian, was asked to write an article on how Benjamin's life was transformed. In this article he explained how the power of the gospel can transform the lives of people and how the teachings of the Bible can change the character of even the worst criminals. Since that time Mihai Eftimescu has been appointed to sit on the Supreme Court of Romania.

To me this is truly a story of the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not only does the Bible teach that we will have a new life here on earth, but a life that will last forever. Are you sure this morning that you will go to heaven and life with Jesus forever?

Are you experiencing the transforming power of Christ in your life? The Bible has the answers to the problems which we face in our daily life.

Why do many Christians not have the power of God in their lives? There is secret or open sin in our lives which we have not taken care of. Sin blocks God's mighty power in our lives. We need to confess our sins and He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Second, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit and boldness and go our and use our spiritual gifts to help others come to belief in Jesus as Lord and Saviour. James 4:2b,3 "You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures."

Third, We do not experience the power of God because we are never in a position or place where we are dependent on God to work a mighty miracle in the lives of people we are ministering to. We do not venture out of our comfort zone nor do we dare to do things which would stretch our faith and demonstrate the power of God in our lives.

I would challenge you to step out in faith and ask God to show you something new that you can do to further His kingdom. Begin by praying and perhaps even fasting so that God would reveal something which you could do which would challenge your faith and bring new life to someone else. God is a wonderful and powerful God. He wants to demonstrate His power in your life. Will you let Him or do you want to continue in a boring and unfruitful spiritual life? I trust that all of you will find someone that you can share your gifts with this Christmas to bring hope and love to a lost and dying world.

Ephesians Sermons Index
Nov 19,2000