Matthew 27 Questions Jesus on Trial and Crucified

Day 1

1. Read Matthew 27:1-10. What was the verdict of the "trial" and how did they go about making it happen?

2. What did Judas do when he saw that Jesus was condemned to die?

3. What did the chief priests do with the money? What was the significance of what they did?

4. What can we learn about sin from the story of Judas for our own lives?

Day 2

5. Read Matthew 27:11-26. Jesus only answered one question that the chief priests asked him, did he answer any questions that Pilate asked him?

6. What options did Pilate give the chief priests? Why did he even give them an option? Which one did they choose?

7. What do you know about the man the people chose to release over Jesus? (Mark 15:7)

8. What ominous warning did Pilate receive and from whom?

Day 3

9. Do you think Pilate wanted to have Jesus crucified? Based on what evidence?

10. What did Pilate do in the end?

11. Read Matthew 27:27-31. If Pilate knew Jesus was innocent, why did he have Jesus flogged and hand him over to be crucified? Why did he let Jesus be treated so cruelly? Is that justice? What are some of the other cruel things they did to Jesus?

Day 4

12. Read Matthew 27:32-44. What kind of physical condition would Jesus be in by now? How would that have affected His ability to carry his own cross to Golgotha?

13. What an appropriate name for the place where people were crucified. What does Golgotha mean?

14. What did the soldiers offer Jesus? Did He accept it?

15. What did the soldiers do after they put Jesus on the cross?

16. How did those who viewed Jesus respond to Him? (Read also Luke 23:36-37, 39-43)

Day 5

17. Read Matthew 27:45-56. What all happened while Jesus was on the cross that caused the centurion to come to the conclusion that Jesus was the Son of God?

18. What is your response to the Jesus who was nailed to the cross because of the sins of all people?

19. With the way you are living now, will you be able to, like Jesus, on your death bed be able to give the victor's shout that you have finished the work God gave you to do?

20. In Matthew 27:52-53 what amazing event occurred? When did others find out?

Day 6

21. Read Matthew 27:57-61. What happened to Jesus' dead body?

22. Who was watching what Joseph was doing to Jesus' body?

23. Read Matthew 27:62-66. What concern did the chief priests and the Pharisees have in regard to Jesus' burial? What did they do about it?

24. What do you think Jesus wants you to learn and understand from this chapter?