Matthew 5:13-48 Questions and Answers, Jesus expains His relationship to the Law

Day 1

1. Read Matthew 5:13. people who are living the lifestyle mentioned in the beatitudes will be _________. Why do you think this is mentioned right after being told that we will suffer persecution?

2. What is the value of salt?

3. What useful qualities does salt have?

4. What happens when salt loses those qualities?

5. Read Matthew 5:14 - 16. What are useful characteristics of light?

6. What are people supposed to see in our life?

7. What should happen when they see our good works?

8. How can we be salt and light? What will happen when we are salt and light?

9. Are you the kind of salt that retards corruption and the kind of light that dispels the spiritual darkness around you and reveals the truth and life of Jesus? Do you ever cover your light, or do you let it shine so that God can be glorified?

Day 2

10. Read Matthew 5:17-18. What was the purpose for Jesus coming to earth?

11. Read Matthew 5:19. What did Jesus say we should do about the law?

12. What is the Christian's relation to the law of God?

Are there degrees of commandments?

Are there degrees of commandments?

13. Read Matthew 5:20. Why did God give us all of these standards and laws? What is the purpose?

14. Did the pharisees and scribes (teachers of the law) understand the purpose of the law? (Luke 18:9-14)

15. Who were the scribes (teachers of the law) and pharisees? If we have to have a righteousness that exceeds them, we ought to know who they were. We studied about them a little in Matthew 3.


16. What was the nature of the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees? If we're going to find out what true righteousness is and it has to be more than theirs, what was their qualifications for righteous?

Matthew 23:23, 25 Mark 7:7

Day 3

17. Have you ever, or do you find yourself living a superficial religious life, going through the motions but it's not for real inside?

Do you find yourself only following the commands of Christ that are convenient?
Have you ever or do you change God's standard of righteous to accommodate your level of righteousness?
Are there some big sins and little sins? Do you feel it's not so bad if you only do the little sins?

18. What is the nature of the righteousness that Christ requires?

19. How is the righteousness that Christ requires obtained? Where do you get that kind of righteousness?

20. What happens to people who do not obtain the righteousness that God requires, who don't ever take God's righteous gift, but who religiously work hard to get into God's Kingdom?

21. When Jesus said 6 times in Matthew 5, "You have heard", who do you think the speaker was that they had heard these statements from?

22. How was Jesus' teaching different from those they had heard from previously?

23. Read Matthew 5:21-22. What is the difference between what man sees as murder and what God sees as murder? What is the relationship between anger and murder?

24. What are the consequences of murder according to the Bible?

Day 4

25. What kind of anger is Jesus talking about in Matthew 5:22? What is the consequence?

26. What kind of sin is Jesus talking about when he used the word "Raca", and what is the consequence? (v. 22b)

27. What sin is Jesus talking about when a person calls someone a "fool" in Matthew 5:22c? What is the consequence?

28. Read Matthew 5:23, 24. What does God want us to do before we give gifts to Him? What kinds of gifts could we be bringing to God?

29. Read Matthew 5:25, 26. If we have a conflict with someone or owe someone money, what should our approach be?

30. Have you ever come to church to worship while you had bitterness in your heart? Is your worship ever hypocritical because you are holding grudges or someone has something against you? If yes, what needs to be done?

31. Read Matthew 5:27-30. How was Jesus' standard on moral purity higher than that of the pharisees?

32. At what point is adultery committed?

33. How can we keep pure?

Day 5

34. It has been said that women do not have difficulty with immoral thoughts? Is that true? How can we keep our thoughts under control?

35. How important is it to control our thoughts and actions? Vs. 29

36. Does Jesus mean literally we are to cut off our hand or pluck out our eyes if they cause us to sin?

37. Read Matthew 5:31, 32. What was Jesus standard for marriage?

Historical background

God's ideal

38. What does the Bible say about divorce?

What was the purpose of a certificate of divorce that Moses writes about in Deuteronomy 24?

39. What is adultery? What is the difference between fornication and adultery? Why is it such a serious thing?

40. What is your standard for marriage (your marriage if you are married)? If someone is talking about wanting to get a divorce how would you counsel them?

Day 6

41. Read Matthew 5:33 - 37. What is an oath? Is it ok to take an oath? What should the standard be for our promises and our word?

42. Read Matthew 5: 38 - 42. How are we to treat those that mistreat us, insult us, who are demanding of us, who trample on our rights or who ask for something that belongs to us?

Jesus picks out four basic human rights: dignity, security, liberty, and property that can be trampled on and shows us how to deal with each.

  1. Turn the other cheek (dignity)- The Jews said that the most demeaning, contemptuous act was to slap someone in the face. To have a fight was to treat someone as an equal, but to just slap them was demeaning. Jesus is saying, when you are demeaned, dishonored, treated in a way that is less than you deserve and your dignity is tread upon, don't retaliate. Be slapped again before you would ever think to retaliate. Take as much as they want to give, but don't retaliate.
  2. Give someone who is suing you more than they demanded from you (security)- "If someone has come to court and you have to give him your shirt, don't begrudge him. Don't be angry, bitter, retaliatory. Show him you're really sorry that it ever happened, and be willing to give all you have left to keep you warm, (your last little bit of security)." That will shock him; that will show him the love of Christ. That will show him what verse 44 means, to love your enemies and bless those that curse you and do good to them that hate you and pray for them that spitefully use you. A Christian will never stand upon his legal rights or on any other rights he may believe himself to possess.
  3. If someone forces you to do something, do more for them (liberty) - that's the spirit of our Father in Heaven. If God only went the first mile with us, we'd be in real trouble. He's carried our burden far beyond that. Don't be concerned with your liberty and rights and so destroy the testimony that God wants you to be. Do it as a service cheerfully. The Christian is not concerned to do as he likes; he is concerned only to help, even when the demand for help is discourteous, unreasonable and tyrannical.
  4. Do not refuse to lend to someone who wants to borrow from you and if someone asks you for something, give it to them (property) - Comes from Deuteronomy 15:7-11. If someone asks it must not be refused. We are to have a loose hand on our possessions. The gift given must be what the person lacks (have to be discerning) and remove the humiliation that poverty brings. Giving must be done privately and secretly. Even the way the gift was given was to help as much as the gift - his self-respect was saved. To give was a privilege and also an obligation - not something he chooses to do but something he must do. Giving must never be such as to encourage a person in laziness and in shiftlessness for such given can only hurt.

43. Read Matthew 5:43-47. What does it mean to love our neighbour?

44. Why are we to love our enemies and pray for them?

45. Do you have an example where you have loved an "enemy" or has God shown you something you could do with a present enemy?

46. Read Matthew 5: 48 What is the ultimate standard that we are to follow? What does that mean?

3 ways to look at this verse:

The Ten Commandments are just a definition of love and about how to love God and our neighbour. Some say that the Ten Commandments are law: `Thou shalt not do this or that....'" No, they are simply a way to regulate the expression of love. First of all, redemption preceded the giving of the Ten Commandments: Israel was first called out of Egypt and redeemed and ordained as God's people. Then, once the relationship was established, the principles of behavior were laid out. God is always concerned with relationship so relationship preceded the law or the Ten Commandments. The first four commandments relate to our love for God, and the last six commandments relate to our love for our neighbor? In Exodus 2O, we find commandments:

a. Affecting Our Relationship with God

1) Love Is Loyal (v. 3) "You shall have no other gods before Me."
2) Love Is Faithful (vv. 4-6) "You shall not make any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them, nor serve them; for I, the LORD thy God, am a jealous God…
3) Love Is Reverent (v. 7) "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain."
4) Love Is Set Apart (vv. 8-11) You will want to spend one day a week just for God. "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

b. Affecting Our Relationships with Others

1) Love Is Respectful (v. 12) "Honor thy father and thy mother,
2) Love Is Humane (v. 13) "Thou shalt not murder"
3) Love Is Pure (v. 14) "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Love seeks purity, love is pure.
4) Love Is Unselfish (v. 15) "Thou shalt not steal." You won't steal from someone you love.
5) Love Is Truthful (v. 16) "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." You won't tell lies or gossip about people if you love them.
6) Love Is Contented (v. 17) "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; … nor anything that is thy neighbor's." When you really love people, you don't covet what belongs to them, because you are glad they have it.

The 10 commandments were simply statements of law regulating a heart attitude. And the sad thing that happened in Israel was that the Jews began to focus only on the external ritual and their religious observance, so that morality became a matter of what one did rather than a relationship of love. Thus they missed the whole point of the law.