Matthew 7 Questions and Answers, Judgement and Good Fruit

Day 1

1. Read Matthew 7:1-2. What does it mean to judge? What kind of judging is Jesus talking about in these verses?

2. Why does Jesus say we shouldn't judge? Is there ever a time when it is okay to judge?

3. We make all kinds of judgements - decisions every day. We have to determine what is good or bad. Is it wrong to look at a person's lifestyle and see what is damaging so we do not make the same mistakes? How can we deal with personal blind spots? Are we open to change or criticism from others? (Matthew 7:15-23)

4. What kind of setting should we be in to talk to people about things that might need change in their life?

Day 2

5. Read Matthew 7:3-5. What is the speck of sawdust and the plank in the eye referring to?

6. What is the key word in Matthew 7:5 that Jesus uses in this section to describe these people? How can we keep from being that kind of person?

7. According to Matthew 7:5 when is it OK to go and help your brother or sister in Christ?

8. What is the meaning of Matthew 7:6? What/who do the dogs and pigs refer to? How would you describe the character of these kinds of people? What is sacred? What do pearls refer to? What kind of people are we not to share precious truths with? ( Proverbs 23:9)

9. At first reading, Matthew 7:6 almost seems out of place. Why did Matthew include this saying here? ( Proverbs 9:8; 23:9)

Day 3

10. Read Matthew 7:7-12. What 3 commands did Jesus give with promises with regard to praying? To whom would these promises apply? Have you experienced these promises? Is this a blank check that you can receive whatever you want?

11. What kind of prayers would Jesus be talking about? What should we ask for? What should we seek for? What are we knocking for?

12. Who is God likened to? Who are we likened to?

13. What kind of things does the Father give to his children?

14. Do you think that we lack God's blessings because we do not obey these verses?

15. What do you think you should be asking for that you have not yet asked for because you have not applied this principle?

16. How do you respond to a child who asks you for something? How does God respond to us when we ask for something?

Day 4

17. Read Matthew 7:12. This is a very popular saying that Jesus put in the positive but most other religions and philosophers use this saying in the negative. Eg. Confucius said, "What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others." What's the difference?

18. Read Matthew 7:13-14. What is the narrow gate - the broad gate? How do we enter the narrow gate - the broad gate? Where does it lead to? Why do you think so few people enter the narrow gate?

19. Read Matthew 7:15-20. How can we detect a false prophet or if the preacher/leader is telling the truth? How can we discern people's motives?

20. How can you tell if a teaching is false? What kind of fruit would a false prophet produce?

Day 5

21. What is the significance of Jesus talking about grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?

22. What happens to a tree that does not bear good fruit?

23. What kind of fruit are you producing? Are you bearing good fruit? Eg. Galatians 5:22, 23 (the fruit of the Spirit), Doing God's will? (Matthew 7:21)

24. Read Matthew 7:21-23. What kind of things will MANY have done but that will be told to depart from Christ in the judgement?

25. Read Matthew 7:24-27. What is necessary to do with Jesus teachings?

Day 6

26. How do we build on a solid foundation? How can we be sure we are building on Christ's foundation? Is it possible to deceive ourselves?

27. How could we be building on sand? What would be the consequence?

28. What are you building your life on? How do you know that is what you are building on?

29. Read Matthew 7:28, 29. What was the response to Jesus' teaching?

30. What is your response to Jesus' teaching from Matthew 5 - 7?