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Gift Quiz

Rate yourself, from 0 - 5 on the following areas then add up each section. The higher the score the more likely that you have that gift.

Prophet - One who speaks God's word to the people. God sometimes shows future things to a prophet and sometimes reveals information about situations others have not told them about.

P1 I like a preacher who doesn't compromise the gospel and boldly proclaims the consequences of not following God.

P2 It doesn't bother me when others don't agree with a clear interpretation of a biblical principle.

P3 I am willing to stand up for the truth even if no one else does.

P4 God has given me special insights into the lives of others so I can apply the scripture to their hearts.

P5 I try to find illustrations about the way biblical principles can be applied in practical ways.

P6 I weep over the lost souls going to hell.

P7 I am willing to share the good news of forgiveness and eternal life with people.

Organizer - One who God uses to bring order and structure to the church.

O1 I believe that God has allowed me to be a leader in my church.

O2 I enjoy organizing programs and getting people involved.

O3 I like to make sure that the church functions smoothly with everyone participating to get things done.

O4 I can feel free to ask people help out with various programs.

O5 I like to work on projects and can see the big picture.

O6 I have a sense of who is good at doing what and what people like to do.

O7 I can figure out what needs to be done and how to organize people to accomplish a project.

Teacher - A person who studies the word of God and can explain the deep things of God in a simple and clearly understandable way.

T1 I enjoy studying the Word of God to discover the real meanings being the verses.

T2 I want to know the real depth of the Bible

T3 I love sharing the practical applications that I find in the Bible.

T4 I loose track of time when I am reading and studying the Bible.

T5 I like to find ways to present the Scriptures which click with the hearers.

T6 I get upset with people who are shallow and don't check out the Word of God before they share with others.

T7 I get discouraged when people don't want to study the Bible.

Giver - A person who contributes material things to the church to use for the building of God's Kingdom.

G1 I am grateful for God ‘s blessing my life with material things so that I can share with people in need.

G2 I am careful with the resources that God has blessed me with and want to stretch them to the limit.

G3 I like to challenge other people to give by my example

G4 I don't have much but I try to share with others in need whenever God prompts.

G5 I get upset when people are not careful with their money or go into debt.

G6 I look for deals and discounts to stretch my money so I can give more to God.

G7 I research organizations which I support financially.

Encourager - A person who understands others needs - physical, spiritual and emotional and is about to bring healing and build others up.

E1 I get excited when I can encourage people in their spiritual pilgrimage.

E2 I want to listen carefully to people to understand them before I share God's principles with them.

E3 I prefer one on one or small group ministries.

E4 Prayer is the key to understanding what God wants us to do.

E5 I try to help others to see a difficult situation from God's point of view.

E6 I sometimes give cards or gifts to others who need a lift.

E7 I like to visit or help old folks or shut-ins.

Mercy - A person who is sensitive to injustice and the hurts of others and works to bring justice and peace to people around them.

M1 I can identify with people and help them through their struggles.

M2 I am upset with people who demand obedience but fail to show mercy and love.

M3 I have been hurt and misunderstood because I wanted to help broken, rebellious people.

M4 I get upset when I see injustice in society.

M5 I want everyone to get a fair opportunity in life and make sure justice prevails.

M6 I would like to make sure that if someone is wronged, they are comforted.

M7 I see so many needs in the world, I would like to help everyone.

Servant - A person who uses their abilities to do practical things in the church to help others fulfill their ministries.

S1 I love to find special things that people like. I remember colors or things that people like.

S2 I try to help the church in practical ways.

S3 I am not a strong leader and prefer to be a follower and help where I can.

S4 I enjoy hospitality, hosting or serving.

S5 I would like to make sure people are comfortable in church so there are no distractions and they can hear the gospel

S6 I feel I can make a contribution to the church in practical ways like folding bulletins, making posters, cleaning up, ushering.

S7 I am willing to do babysitting or child care if that will keep others from being distracted in a service.