Prayer for Hedge of Thorns

Hos 2:6 Therefore I will block her path with thornbushes; I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way. Hos 2:7 She will chase after her lovers but not catch them; she will look for them but not find them. Then she will say, "I will go back to my husband as at first, for then I was better off than now." A spouse - especially a husband - has authority to pray on behalf of his spouse. He is the matel of protection for his family and thus spiritually responsible. That responsibility gives him the authority to pray on behalf of his family members for protection from God. If a spouse or child is wayward, the spiritual member of the family has spiritual authority over them in the name of Jesus Christ. (Gal 6:1,2)

2Co 10:4, 5 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

James 5:16 The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. ... Warning: If you want God to answer your prayers, you need to get your status up with God. “The prayer of a RIGHTEOUS person avails much.!” God doesn’t expect perfection, just righteousness. If you are our of sync with God, don’t expect miracle prayers to happen. You prayers may be answered by a gracious and loving God inspite of you but God wants you clean and pure too.

Jas 5:19, 20 My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

We pray in several areas of a person’s life.

  1. Mind & Heart
  2. Emotions
  3. Socially
  4. Spiritually
  5. Financially

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